

Seminar on Networked Systems and Communication Networks

General Information:
Topic Assignment:

If you would like to participate in the seminar, please attend the first session on Friday, 19.04.2024, at 10:00 AM in Room 1058 N. This session, as well as the entire seminar, will be conducted in person. We kindly request full attendance on this date as we will discuss the seminar's structure and finalize the topic assignments. The list of topics can be found below on this page.


  • Introduction: Quality of Service and Quality of Experience (Prof. Dr. Seufert)
  • QoE Models for Video Streaming
  • QoE Models for Web Browsing
  • Conducting QoE Studies in the Laboratory and through Crowdsourcing
  • QoE Measurements at the End-User Device
  • QoE Measurements in the Network
  • QoE Management - Improving QoE


Process Information:

The seminar will be conducted as a block seminar. The individual presentation dates will be announced on Digicampus during the semester.


Teilnehmer des Seminars müssen rechtzeitig auf ihren Betreuer zugehen und das Thema mit ihm besprechen. Wir legen sehr gro?en Wert auf einen professionellen Vortrag. Dazu z?hlen sowohl der Inhalt als auch die Art der Pr?sentation sowie das Vortragen.


Participants are required to independently familiarize themselves with their topic and prepare a didactically well prepared presentation lasting a maximum of 25 minutes. The supervisor provides the material and is available for questions. Further literature research may be expected. A written elaboration of the topic is mandatory.


We require a rehearsal presentation two weeks before the official presentation date, which serves to practice and improve the presentation. We expect participants to prepare for the rehearsal and practice their presentation with classmates several times. Any feedback from classmates should be incorporated. A last minute rescheduling of presentation dates is unfortunately not possible. Attendance is mandatory for all participants at every session, and attendance will be checked.


All course related information can be found on? digicampus (Bachelor).

All course related information can be found on? digicampus (Master).

