

Gastvortrag "Just because we can – it doesn’t mean we should"

Am 25.01.2024 halten Annika Madejska und Karola Klarl von Nitor ab 16:00 Uhr einen Gastvortrag in der Ringvorlesung des Elitestudiengangs Software Engineering. Der Vortrag findet online statt und hat den Titel “Just because we can – it doesn’t mean we should”. Der Zoom-Raum für den Gastvortrag ist https://uni-augsburg.zoom-x.de/j/61734022783? pwd=djVFN2NjWHF2RXJGYzF1d3hpVk9xdz09. Zum Vortrag sind alle herzlich eingeladen.



Why we need to care about ethics in tech and how we can bring ethical thinking into the development process

With the recent big leaps in AI capabilities, it is becoming evident that a future that many thought were at least 20 years away – in fact is here. This has raised voices of concern, and regulators are suddenly troubled about the safety of emerging technologies and their use. But ethicists and ethical practitioners in the field of technology have been troubled about the intrusion of privacy, violations of copyright and manipulative applications for years. This talk will open up this ethical can of worms that currently exists within tech, why we as employees or researchers in the field of computer science need to care about it – and what we can do to build a better foundation for future technology.

Annika Madejska is a Senior UX-designer at Nitor. She holds a Master of Science in Informatics with a specialization in Digital Design. She has also studied Behavioral Sciences and the Ethics of AI, and before she started working in the tech business she had a 16 year long career as a Visual Journalist at newspapers in Sweden and Finland. She has worked as a designer for companies within e-commerce, postal services and health tech. Her latest assignment was for a software company that provides deep-learning based image analysis AI models for microscopy images.

Karola Klarl is an Enterprise Coach / Agile Coach at Nitor. She studied in the Elite Program Software Engineering from 2014-2016 before working at Allianz and BMW in different agile roles. In 2023 she moved to Stockholm, Sweden and started working as Enterprise Coach / Agile Coach at Nitor.


