

Diversity Network

Diversity management is a dynamic and highly complex matter, because the activities change and also often include multiple dimensions. Therefore, there often has to be frequent cross-referencing between the headings on this website, and sometimes duplication. Here is a list of the organisational units in which the different topics are brought together, information is exchanged and cooperation between players is maintained.



Website of the 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】's Equal Opportunities Committee


The Extended 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】 Management has set up a Standing Committee on Equal Opportunity Issues. Women and men shall be equally represented.
The appointed members of the committee are
? A vice-president (chair) appointed by the president
? One representative of the professors from each of the eight faculties,
? Two representatives of the science and arts staff,
? One representative of the academic support staff,
? Two student representatives
? The 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】's women’s representative
? The Equal Opportunities Officer
? A member of the staff council (in an advisory capacity)
? ?The speaker for Equality Issues (in an advisory capacity)

- in formation? ?-????

Under the leadership of the Office for Equal Opportunities, the “Diversity Round Table” networks university players such as the International Office, Representatives for the Disabled, relevant Student Union departments as well as projects and student initiatives. It sees itself as an advisory body for all levels of the university and initiates actions and measures in the area of diversity.

Website of the Peace Office


The Peace Office is part of the Cultural Office of the City of Augsburg and organises, among other things, the cultural programme for the Peace Festival and the Festival of Cultures. In addition, the employees organise lectures and conferences and accompany the interreligious dialogue at the Round Table of Religions. The aim of the work is to mediate a peaceful coexistence between the citizens of Augsburg and the region - regardless of their origin, religion, skin colour, age, disability and sexual orientation. The Peace Office also encourages civic discourse on other socially relevant topics such as refugee policy or armaments.




  • Representation of the 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】 of Augsburg at the Round Table of Religions of the City of Augsburg. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Naurath)
  • Peace Talks of the City of Augsburg (新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】 contributors Prof. Naurath / Prof. Weller)
  • Religions for Peace Augsburg-Schwaben (spokesperson Prof. Naurath)
